Gender Pay Gap Reporting
Gender Pay Gap Reporting
David MacBrayne Group
David MacBrayne is the parent company of two major subsidiary businesses CalMac Ferries and Solent Gateway. The group also has two human resource subsidiaries which support the business, David MacBrayne and Caledonian MacBrayne Crewing (Guernsey).
Only one subsidiary company was obliged to comply with Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, namely CalMac Ferries; nevertheless in order to enhance transparency and inform action the Group wished to publish gender pay information about all subsidiaries.
We were commissioned to produce the Gender Pay Gap Report.
It was very important that this work referred to the context of occupational segregation in the shipping industry, which is traditionally male dominated. This is also reflected in the numbers of female students who are studying or training for a maritime career (approximately only 5%).
We began with gathering evidence about the industry context in order to facilitate benchmarking. Initial analysis of the raw data was used to produce a Headline Report which was shared with the client for comment. The data to be loaded onto the government portal was provided along with a plenary Gender Pay Gap report including a Gender Pay Policy.